It only takes one careless moment to leave drivers and their passengers in pain for the rest of their lives. No matter how carefully you drive…
Chiropractors provide natural, drugless, non-surgical health treatments and rely on the body’s inherent recuperative abilities.
As Russian and American scientists raced to get astronauts into space over four decades ago, they both hit upon a unique way to keep…
Any injury to the skin, nerves, joints or spine can lead to chronic pain that prevents you from doing the things you want to do or need to do.
Our clinic uses specific injections of PRP to introduce concentrated growth factors to the damaged nerves. PRP stands for Platelet…
No one looks forward to a medical procedure involving needles, but a quick injection could eliminate chronic and life altering pain.
Massage is an ancient art of muscle manipulation that can have surprising effects on the body. Studies continue to prove the physical, and emotional…
This FDA approved technology relieves pain by enlarging the space between the discs. The negative pressure of decompression releases pressure that…
Did you know your back and neck may be filled with tight knots of tension right now? These little tight spots are also known as trigger points…
Awareness of the severity of some food allergies has expanded in the past few years, but many people still suffer from daily aches and pains…
While diseases affecting the organs and bones are quite well studied, conditions involving the muscles and nerves are still overlooked by many doctors…
Humans are true omnivores, and ongoing research continues to show that they have evolved to thrive on a vast variety of different foods.