James Island

Physical Therapy in James Island, SC

What Our Clients Say

What Our Clients Say

An Innovative Approach toPhysical Medicine

At Back 2 Health, we believe the very best results are achieved by giving patients personalized treatment and access to a comprehensive list of rehab services. Our doctors and physical therapists do more than treat pain - we treat patients. Our goal is to completely restore the quality of life you deserve. We accomplish that goal by using all our resources to treat your pain, from the bottoms of your feet to tips of your triceps and everything in between.

And with decades of combined experience, we understand that no two patients or their injuries are exactly the same. The causes of back pain, foot pain, arthritis pain, and other types of pain are broad and change from patient to patient. The treatment of those conditions, then, must also have a broad range of pain treatment tools.

That's why, when you trust Back 2 Health Physical Medicine, you can rest easy knowing your treatment plan is crafted for you and your body - not someone within your age and weight range.

Our team treats a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Back Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Foot Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Wrist Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Muscle Pain

By taking a focused approach to physical therapy, we can better understand your needs and the conditions causing your pain. Whether you're suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or sciatica, our doctors and therapists have the tools and training to provide relief. And we keep doing it until you're back on your feet and back to your life.

And that, in a nutshell, is what separates Back 2 Heath from the rest of the pack: nuanced medical and physical therapy in James Island, SC, that helps you rediscover what healthy, pain-free living is all about. During rehab, our therapists may use resources like massage therapy, chiropractic care, and even medical injections for a more well-rounded approach to your recovery.

Enjoy Long-Term Healthwith Chiropractic Care

Many of the patients we see who are injured report that conventional methods like pain meds and surgery don't really solve their pain problems - they just mask them. When you throw in the risks associated with surgery and pain meds, alternatives like chiropractic care make a lot of sense. If you're looking for a safe, non-invasive treatment, combining the benefits of physical therapy with chiropractic adjustments is a great option for pain relief and overall well-being.

At Back 2 Health, our chiropractic physicians diagnose and treat patients with health problems associated with the body's muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems.

Contact Us For Services

Free Consultation phone-number (843) 258-5401

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

As the saying goes, a healthy spine equals a healthy person.

Just about every type of chiropractic care revolves around your spine. When your vertebrae are misaligned, the nerves surrounding them become compressed, resulting in pain. When a chiropractor restores your spine's natural alignment, it reduces your pain and other medical symptoms. To achieve pain relief, Back 2 Health chiropractors use focused pressure to restore healthy vertebrae motion and loosen frozen joints. This process allows the nerves along your spine to properly function and carry messages to and from your brain.

There are many benefits of using chiropractic care alongside physical therapy in James Island, SC, and other solutions like massage therapy. Some of the most common benefits of chiropractic care include:

Less Neck Pain

Less Neck Pain

Sitting in one spot for hours or frequently bending at work can cause horrendous neck pain. Whether from work or a car accident, our chiropractors ease that pain by realigning your spine, which reduces the tension on your neck.

Eases Back Pain

Eases Back Pain

The American College of Physicians says that doctors should recommend non-medical treatments for back pain prior to surgery. Chiropractic care helps tremendously in this regard, correcting subluxations through techniques like spinal decompression.

Helps Relieve Headaches

Helps Relieve Headaches

If you suffer from tension headaches that start in your upper spine or neck, chiropractic care may be the solution you need for relief.

Can Help Prevent Opioid Reliance

Can Help Prevent Opioid Reliance

Unfortunately, many people with back pain become addicted to pain meds like opiates. However, a study by the NIH found that adults who visited a chiropractor weren't as likely to receive an opioid prescription for pain when compared to those who only visited a medical doctor.

The Back 2 Health Chiropractic Care Process

Our team of chiropractic doctors excels at finding and analyzing improper vertebrae placement. Once those areas are discovered, they use advanced techniques to correct subluxations, returning your body to its proper alignment. This strategy is key in correcting vertebral subluxation complex, which can affect your long-term health and how your body functions.

Like other practitioners, our chiropractors follow common standards and procedures to diagnose and treat you with chiropractic care. On your first visit, we'll get your medical history, conduct physical, orthopedic, and neurological examinations, and may order lab tests for further info. We may also use X-rays and other essential tools to focus on your spine and its proper function.

If needed, our chiropractors may conduct a postural and spinal analysis to discover if vertebral dysfunction is affecting your nervous system or causing a skeletal imbalance, which lowers disease resistance and causes additional pain.

Contact Us For Services

Free Consultation phone-number (843) 258-5401

Enjoy Long-Term Healthwith Chiropractic Care

Massage has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation and relieve pain. And while most people think of getting a massage as a treat, purposeful massage therapy demonstrates an incredible ability to heal and restore overall wellness. In fact, modern applications have been proven to be very effective when used to supplement physical therapy. A complete review by the Institute of Work and Health found that massage had measurable effects vs. placebo treatments. That's excellent news for patients who need physical therapy to help heal injuries.

The benefits of massage therapy for issues like back pain and shoulder pain are numerous and include the following:

  • Improved Circulation - Massage therapy helps blood move through congested areas, improving your body's ability to function.
  • Accelerated Injury Recovery - Rehabbing an injury can be a long, arduous process. Massage therapy accelerates your recovery, keeps you relaxed, and helps motivate you to continue physical therapy in James Island, SC.
  • Help with High Blood Pressure - Massages have been shown to lower your blood pressure in an all-natural way.
  • Better Posture - Weather due to an unresolved injury or aging, stiff and overworked muscles often result in bad posture. Massage can help relax your muscles and tendons, bringing your body back to its original alignment.
  • Improved Athletic Performance - Athletes who endure minor injuries on the court or field use massage to recover faster, allowing them to get back to training so they can improve.
  • Complementary Treatments - At Back 2 Health, we use massage to complement other services that our clinic offers, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and medical injections for pain or inflammation.
 Back Pain James Island, SC

Our physical therapy clinic offers several types of massages, including:

 Massage Therapy James Island, SC

Deep Tissue Massage

 Chronic Pain Management James Island, SC

Myofascial Release

Physical Therapy James Island, SC

Neuromuscular Therapy

Medical Therapy James Island, SC

Sports Massage

What Conditions Are Treated with Massage Therapy?

If you're suffering from a long-term condition like neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, or arm pain, massage therapy could be a great option to consider. Though massage can't always solve issues like inflammation, it can help relieve painful symptoms and works very well when used as part of the multi-discipline approach at Back 2 Health Physical Medicine.

Massage can help treat many conditions, such as:

  • Compressed Nerves
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Sciatica
  • Muscle Tension
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • General Physical Pain of the Neck, Back, Shoulders
 Back Pain James Island, SC

Inflammation & Joint Injections: Pain Relief When You Need It Most

If we're being honest, few people look forward to a medical procedure that involves needles. But the proper injection may reduce or even eliminate joint, nerve, muscle, or spinal pain plaguing you for years, all within a few hours. At Back 2 Health, we combine medical injections for immediate relief with other treatments like physical therapy in James Island, SC, that repair factors causing inflammation in your body, providing permanent results.

In many cases, inflammation is a good thing - it helps heal injuries and subsides when the healing process is finished. In many cases, however, inflammation doesn't go away. It actually becomes counterproductive, causing severe pain, swelling, restricted movement, and even structural damage that prevents normal bodily function.

 Massage Therapy James Island, SC

What Are Inflammation and Joint Injections?

Joint and inflammation injections from Back 2 Health help relieve pain and inflammation by reducing blood flow and limiting immune system cells at the affected joint. These injections typically contain a corticosteroid and an anesthetic. The corticosteroid helps with inflammation by limiting blood vessel dilation, while the anesthetic helps with immediate relief of pain.

Generally, joint and inflammation injections can serve two purposes: for pain relief and for diagnostic purposes. As a diagnostic tool, these injections can help our doctors identify the source of pain you're enduring. As a pain reliever, injections help reduce inflammation around the affected joint, providing localized pain relief with few, if any, side effects.

Contact Us For Services

Free Consultation phone-number (843) 258-5401
 Chronic Pain Management James Island, SC

What Are the Benefits of Inflammation and Joint Injections?

Patients who qualify for medical injections from Back 2 Health enjoy a number of short and long-term benefits, including:

  • Quick Relief - If you're suffering from intense pain, an inflammation injection may provide relief before you leave our physical medicine clinic in South Carolina.
  • Localized - Because these injections can be applied to a specific body part, like your knee, your irritation can be solved without affecting your whole body.
  • Long Lasting - One medical injection at our office can help with pain and inflammation for weeks, not hours.
  • More Movement - If you're suffering from severe inflammation, an injection from Back 2 Health can help restore your range of motion.
  • Dependability - Medical injections should still work even if you have grown accustomed to pain medicines and opiates.
  • Side Effects - Unlike invasive surgeries, you won't have to miss days or weeks away from work so that you can recover.

Patients at Back 2 Health Physical Medicine use joint and inflammation injections for a variety of conditions, such as:

  • Pinched Nerves
  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Joint Pain Due to Injuries
  • Shoulder Inflammation
  • Much More

Trust the Back 2 Health Difference for Physical Therapy in James Island, SC

If you're looking for a truly personalized, complete approach to physical therapy and pain relief, contact Back 2 Health Physical Medicine today. As a team, we analyze every new patient's case and craft a customized medical treatment plan tailored to their needs. But unlike other "pain" clinics, we don't rely on one form of therapy.

Our doctors and specialists use massage therapy, chiropractic therapy, medical injections, and other treatments to give you long-term relief - not a short-term "band-aid" that only lasts for a few days. If surgery and opiates are off the table, contact our office to learn more about the Back 2 Health physical therapy difference.

Contact Us For Services

phone-number (843) 258-5401

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Latest News in James Island, SC

SC High School League denies appeals by James Island, Burke

The first challenges to the S.C. High School League’s reclassification of its member schools began on Tuesday, as 12 schools appealed their placement in the league's realignment for the 2024-26 school years.Ten more schools will make their appeals on Wednesday.School officials made their cases to the league’s executive committee, and can take their appeals to the league’s appellate panel later this week. A total of 22 schools statewide are lodging appeals with the executive committee.Most of the appeals...

The first challenges to the S.C. High School League’s reclassification of its member schools began on Tuesday, as 12 schools appealed their placement in the league's realignment for the 2024-26 school years.

Ten more schools will make their appeals on Wednesday.

School officials made their cases to the league’s executive committee, and can take their appeals to the league’s appellate panel later this week. A total of 22 schools statewide are lodging appeals with the executive committee.

Most of the appeals center around the SCHSL's decision to use a multiplier to determine student enrollments for its purposes, with students attending a school from outside of its assigned attendance zone counting three times. The multiplier was installed in an effort to address competitive-balance issues, with private and charter schools dominating state championships in lower classifications in recent years.

Three Charleston-area schools made their appeals on Tuesday.

James Island Charter, moved to Class AAAAA in reclassification, had its request to remain in AAAA denied. Burke, moved up to Class AA, had its appeal to remain in Class A denied.

Charleston Math & Science, moved up to Class AAA from Class A, won its appeal to remain in Class A for the next two years.

Bishop England, bumped up from Class AA to AAAA, will have its appeal to move to Class AAA heard on Wednesday.

Columbia's Gray Collegiate Academy, a sports-oriented charter school and a center of much of the competitive-balance debate, was bumped up two classifications, from AA to AAAA, by the league's multiplier. The school requested to play in Class AAA, but was denied by a vote of 12-3.

James Island officials made their case to remain AAAA by saying the school was willing to remain in Region 7-AAAA, which includes Colleton County and Beaufort-area schools. The school said it was willing to accept a considerable increase in travel expenses over what it would incur in a local AAAAA region.

Members of the committee noted that James Island’s attendance numbers, which total 1,968 including the multiplier, would place the school in Class AAAAA even without the multiplier, but only because the league has increased the number of AAAAA schools to 56.

After discussion, the committee voted 14-1 to deny the request to remain in AAAA.

Charleston Math & Science, which is currently in Class A, was reclassified to AAA by the league. The school, which is not competitive for state titles in most programs, hinted that a move to AAA could result in the school closing all of its athletics programs. School officials said the athletic department operates at a deficit as a Class A school.

According to the multiplier numbers, CMS would be the smallest school in AAA with 672 students, and would have almost 400 actual students fewer than two schools, Dillon and Newberry, just ahead of them in the AAA list.

The committee decided by a vote of 12-3 to allow CMS to remain in Class A for the next two years.

Burke appealed a move from Class A to AA based on a decline in competitiveness, even though its attendance numbers are solidly in Class AA even without the multiplier. Enrollment numbers, however, are in a steady decline; Burke's multiplier attendance number is 469.

The committee voted 14-1 to put Burke in Class AA. Burke could be reassigned to Class A in the next reclassification in 2026.

In other appeals on Tuesday, Abbeville High was denied (by 9-5) an appeal to be assigned to Class A. Abbeville is currently listed as the smallest AA school in the state (379 students with the multiplier), while three schools in Class A have larger attendance numbers. Abbeville will appeal the decision to the appellate panel.

Seneca High’s appeal to remain in Class AAA was denied (14-1), and the school will be assigned to AAAA.

Fox Creek won its appeal (by 11-3) to move to Class AAA. Fox Creek was originally bumped from Class AA to Class AAAA in the realignment.

Southside Christian, a private school in Simponsville, was denied (by 9-5) its appeal to move from Class AAA to AA. Southside Christian was moved from Class A to AAA in the recent reclassification with a multiplier attendance number of 676.

Brashier Middle College, a charter school in the upstate, was assigned to Class AAA, a move up from Class A. The school appealed to be classified to Class AA and the committee granted that request by a vote of 12-4.

High Point Academy, a Class A school in Spartanburg, was moved to Class AAA after use of the multiplier. The school appealed to stay in Class A, but was denied. However, the committee did vote to place the school into Class AA.

Horse Creek Academy of North Augusta, moving into the SCHSL for the first time, was classified to AAA. However, the school offers only 10 varsity sports and one junior varsity program, and does not field a football program. The committee voted to put the school in Class A.

St. Joseph’s Catholic School of Greenville, currently in Class A, was reclassified to Class AAA and requested to be placed in Class AA. The committee denied the request by 12-2.

Proposed James Island preschool sparks drainage worry for neighboring homeowners

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The site of a proposed preschool on James Island is causing some neighbors to worry about what their yards will look like during a storm or what the traffic will look like during rush hour.The city of Charleston’s Design Review Board approved the basics, like what kind of building materials and plants the developer wants to use, for example, at the proposed Goddard Preschool located at 1137 Folly Rd., ...

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The site of a proposed preschool on James Island is causing some neighbors to worry about what their yards will look like during a storm or what the traffic will look like during rush hour.

The city of Charleston’s Design Review Board approved the basics, like what kind of building materials and plants the developer wants to use, for example, at the proposed Goddard Preschool located at 1137 Folly Rd., at Tuesday night’s meeting.

However, neighbor Matthew Pertuset says he’s more worried about what the city will review later on.

“How is that going to affect the, not just the people that back up, but the entire neighborhood?” Pertuset said.

The proposed preschool sits directly behind Pertuset’s home in the Queenborough neighborhood. He says he’s worried about the design of this building’s drainage because of how it already acts during storms.

“We’re already holding water,” Pertuset said. “So, for that to come up even more, I’m not sure. So, it’s a huge concern.”

But Robert Summerfield, the director of planning, preservation and sustainability for the city of Charleston, said because they have some of the most comprehensive stormwater regulations in the region, no project could make the problem worse but could only improve it.

“They’re working very hard to make sure that they are utilizing the existing wetlands on site and enhancing that as a stormwater catchment area,” Summerfield said.

But that’s not the only concern.

“If it is going to be a pickup, you know, we’re right here on Folly Road, how does that look during rush hour traffic in the mornings and the afternoons?” Pertuset said. “Is it going to get pushed into our neighborhood for us to deal with or is it just going to come to a stop on Folly Road?”

Summerfield said the city has already thought about it.

“We have created a drop-off low space so that cars, as they come in and drop their children off or pick them up, will actually flow through the site so that there’s a queueing situation that will occur so that people aren’t ideally not queueing out on Folly,” Summerfield said.

Neither the Goddard School nor the applicant, AAG Architects for Vista 26, LLC, have responded to requests for comment.

However, Pertuset said no matter what comes on this property, he just wants the city to be thorough with their plans.

“It is something that the community needs,” Pertuset said. “I think James Island could afford to have another preschool.”

Summerfield said the city will discuss more drainage specifics once the developer submits the next step to the Technical Review Committee. They will have to pass all initial designs before that is done and there’s currently no timeline of when that might take place.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Traffic relief coming soon to drivers of Johns Island

JOHNS ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Charleston County leaders have been working to improve traffic congestion on Johns Island and the area of Maybank Highway and River Road will soon be much easier to travel on.The county has been working on improvements to Maybank Highway since 2004 and will soon have the third and final phase of these improvement projects completed. P...

JOHNS ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Charleston County leaders have been working to improve traffic congestion on Johns Island and the area of Maybank Highway and River Road will soon be much easier to travel on.

The county has been working on improvements to Maybank Highway since 2004 and will soon have the third and final phase of these improvement projects completed. Pitchfork Road connects Fenwick Hall Alle to River Road and will serve as an alternative route to Maybank Highway.

Drivers traveling from James Island to Johns Island will be able to bypass the light at Maybank Highway and River Road by using the new Pitchfork Road. This will also apply to drivers coming in the opposite direction. This road can be used as an alternate route to get to James Island. Pitchfork Road will be officially open for use on the afternoon of March 25 and county leaders encourage everyone to use it.

Construction on Pitchfork Road began in 2022 and leaders are excited to host a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the official opening of the road. This will take place on March 25.

County Construction Project Manager Sheila Parker says that they are really looking to improve safety and relieve traffic in the area.

“I think the people in general are looking forward to, you know, new infrastructure come into John’s Island to help alleviate traffic. We see, you know, development coming and so we need the infrastructure to really accommodate all that,” Parker says.

Parker says that the county has recently made some other changes to the intersection of Maybank Highway and River Road to further improve the flow of traffic.

“We recently restriped Maybank at the intersection of Maybank and River Road, really to accommodate more storage to the left turn lane,” she says. “Previously the left turn lane would stack up with cars and it would block the through lane going straight and so, that would cause traffic backups. Now with more storage, the left turn lane traffic flow improves, and more people can get into the left turn lane.”

Parker says that all of this work is to benefit the residents and drivers of the community and to make traveling on these roads a little easier.

“It’s great to see headway and, you know, the improvements are coming slowly but surely. We’re looking to relieve traffic and improve safety of this area. This has been a big focus for the county,” Parker says.

The county has some safety improvements coming to River Road soon as well. Crews will be working on the addition of reflective markings and rumble strips to the road. This work will lead to some nighttime closures on River Road from Main Road to Maybank Highway. This will take place from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday through Friday for about the next two weeks.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Change in proposed development still not satisfying James Island residents

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A proposed storage facility and at least ten new homes could be coming to Dills Bluff Road on James Island if one developer’s sale moves forward.But some neighbors say after months of seeing the plans change, they say they still aren’t pleased with the proposal.The plans have changed for 6.5 acres of Dills Bluff Road on James Island. Earlier plans included ...

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A proposed storage facility and at least ten new homes could be coming to Dills Bluff Road on James Island if one developer’s sale moves forward.

But some neighbors say after months of seeing the plans change, they say they still aren’t pleased with the proposal.

The plans have changed for 6.5 acres of Dills Bluff Road on James Island. Earlier plans included at least 20 homes with around 20,000 square feet of commercial space. After the town denied that plan in October, the new proposal involves a new storage facility with at least ten new homes.

“A storage unit facility is incredibly inappropriate for this area,” James Island resident Casey Buchanan says. “Yes, some of the parcel is zoned commercial because it’s right next to the shopping center here. But that zoning was done 20 years ago before all that we knew about flooding.”

Buchanan adds this will have an impact on property value.

“Really doing anything that reduces our resilience to storms as an island is really just incredibly foolish,” Buchanan says. “And I would be very cautious if I were to be — if I was buying a home now, buying in this area, especially if this plan is slated to go forward.”

John Peters, who lives in Whitehouse Plantation right behind this property, says he’s heard from more long-time residents that the flooding is worse during storms now than it was during Hurricane Hugo.

“Not making a problem where we have to rethink Dills Bluff Road because we’re already rethinking Folly Road,” Peters says.

Peters has created numerous petitions, with his current online one having over 960 signatures voting against this new proposal. He says this greenspace should be partially preserved and put to better use.

“Create a space that allows food trucks, a food truck radio or something that has a market area like they do downtown,” Peters said.

The two say the developer, Taylor Consulting Group, hasn’t had any meetings with the public since the original denial of the first plan.

The proposed plan has numerous grand trees slated to stay, but Buchanan says that’s not enough.

“They’re critical for managing stormwater on an urban sea island, which is what James Island is,” Buchanan said. “We don’t have a lot of these sponge forests left.”

The town of James Island says this is now a build-by-right property, which means Taylor Consulting Group has the right to build what they want under the right density with no more votes. The sale from the James Island Public Service District to the developer is still under contract.

“They may say they care about James Island,” Peters said. “Caring about James Island would be preserving James Island at this point.”

Taylor Consulting Group did not respond to a request for comment.

Residents say the next James Island Public Service District meeting is Feb. 26 at James Island Fire Station #1 at 7 p.m. and it’s one of the last chances to voice your opinion publicly before the sale could be finalized on March 1.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Charleston Co. moves forward with James Island intersection improvements

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - One concerned resident living on James Island says there is a lack of communication on a traffic project that was designed to improve the safety and flow of traffic.The Central Park Road and Riverland Drive Intersection Improvements Project was made to improve the safety and traffic flow of Riverland Drive and Central Park Road for all modes of transportation while minimizing impacts on adjacent property and grand trees. The project officially began in 2018 and is still in the works.More than 11,000 ve...

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - One concerned resident living on James Island says there is a lack of communication on a traffic project that was designed to improve the safety and flow of traffic.

The Central Park Road and Riverland Drive Intersection Improvements Project was made to improve the safety and traffic flow of Riverland Drive and Central Park Road for all modes of transportation while minimizing impacts on adjacent property and grand trees. The project officially began in 2018 and is still in the works.

More than 11,000 vehicles a day commute on Riverland Drive, according to the Charleston County Transportation Department, and the lack of turn lanes and significant delays have prompted a plan to relieve traffic congestion at the intersection of Riverland Drive and Central Park Road.

The need for more crosswalks, signs and designated areas, frequent accidents, narrow lanes and delays for school traffic are just a few reasons officials say the project is needed. The funding for the project comes from the second half-cent sales tax.

Eric Lundcrum lives on Terrabrook Lane on James Island and says the road hasn’t been upgraded and the growth continues to climb in the area.

Charleston County spokesperson Kelsey Barlow says the county intends to install crosswalks and a flashing light at the Central Park and Riverland intersection. The project will also add a right-turn lane with refuge on Central Park and a sidewalk along Riverland Drive that will extend to the future Woodland Shores sidewalk to the Riverland Drive multi-use path.

“We should have some consideration on completing some of these projects that are way overdue,” Lundcrum says. “The Charleston County Council is always 20 years behind upgrading infrastructure to satisfy the growth. The other solution was just to put a traffic light there, but they didn’t even do that. Year after year of more growth and year after year no solution to the very busy intersection.”

We reached out to officials from Charleston County who told us the South Carolina Department of Transportation has approved the right-of-way plans, and they are currently in the right-of-way acquisition process. They are scheduled to advertise construction in the third quarter of this year. Currently, officials say the project team has made contact with impacted property owners and working with them for the right-of-way acquisition process.

If you know a road that’s driving you crazy, you can submit your concern here.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.


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