
Medical Weight Loss in Hanahan, SC

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A New Solution to a Serious Problem

Obesity is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the United States. Recent statistics show that more than 78 million people are affected by obesity, whether that's through diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular issues, or even death. Millions try to lose weight every year to combat the negative effects that obesity brings about, but a large number of those people are unsuccessful. It can be easy for those without weight problems to say, "just lose the weight!" but unfortunately, weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. When done properly, it involves careful planning and professional help. When done incorrectly, it involves yo-yo dieting, fad diet solutions, and other unsafe methods.

Fad diets seen on TV can be encouraging, but the truth is most of these "programs" are less about healthy weight loss and more about losing weight fast. These unhealthy, unbalanced diets often foster weight gain, not weight loss over time.

Fortunately, more and more overweight adults and even children are turning to professionals for help, who not only help them achieve their weight loss goals but keep them on track and healthy for the long term. If you're looking for the highest quality medical weight loss in Hanahan, SC, look no further than Back 2 Health Physical Medicine.

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Medical Weight Loss Hanahan, SC
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What Our Clients Say

Losing Weight and Getting Back 2 Health the Right Way

If you were to ask one of our experienced clinicians their tips for a healthy life, maintaining a healthy weight would be at the very top of the list. This is especially true given the prevalence of certain viruses like COVID-19, which can wreak havoc on the body of an unhealthy, overweight individual. Unfortunately, given the sheer number of diet plans and "miracle" weight loss supplements, dieting can be a confusing, counterproductive journey. To make matters worse, many of these weight loss programs are not medically tested or supervised, which is dangerous.

At Back 2 Health, our team is committed to helping our clients lose weight and maintain that weight loss, so they can live a healthy, fulfilling life. Unlike some weight loss companies that tout "quick weight loss solutions," Back 2 Health Physical Medicine focuses on real results through time-tested techniques, strong support, and sustainable habits. There are no starvation diets or extreme exercise plans at our weight loss clinic in Hanahan - only medically-backed programs customized to your lifestyle.

 Chiropractic Medicine Hanahan, SC

Our medical weight loss programs include:

  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Medical Counseling
  • Health Metrics
  • Access to Our Knowledgeable Weight Loss Team
  • Medication Management
  • Customized Weight Loss Program
  • Blood Work
  • Available Health Supplements Such as B-12 Injections

Why Choose Back 2 Health for Medical Weight Loss in Hanahan, SC?

If you have tried to lose weight in the past but have failed, don't sweat it - there are millions of other men and women in your shoes as well. Your weight loss challenges are less about you failing and more about the diets or regimens you used. When it comes to healthy weight loss, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. That's why, when you walk into our medical weight loss clinic, we will conduct a thorough assessment and develop a custom weight loss strategy that you feel good about.

Our clients choose Back 2 Health Physical Medicine because we truly care about our customers' health. Our goal is to be as flexible and open about your weight loss journey as possible. Our customized plans fit not only your health needs but also your fitness goals and budget requirements.

 Back Pain Hanahan, SC

Our comprehensive medical weight loss plans include:

  • Regular follow-ups to ensure that you are staying healthy as you slim down
  • Cutting-edge treatments that reduce food cravings and speed up your metabolism
  • Ongoing support from our highly trained weight loss team
  • Personalized diet and exercise plans created with your lifestyle and medical history in mind
  • Education about exercise and how you can start a regular exercise routine
  • Prescription medications when needed
  • Enthusiastic tips and recommendations if you hit a weight loss plateau or don't achieve your goals
 Knee Pain Treatment Hanahan, SC

Choosing a medically supervised weight loss treatment plan from Back 2 Health Physical Medicine ensures that you lose weight safely and effectively, even after you achieve your weight loss goals. As you shed excess weight, we can also provide training and recommendations that keep the pounds off for good. If you're ready to give up on crash dieting and unsafe fads, it's time to call Back 2 Health in Hanahan, SC. Your body, your friends, and your family will thank you!

A Safe Solution to Long-TermWeight Loss

If you were to ask someone on the street to name a popular fad diet, they probably wouldn't have much trouble. From Atkins to South Beach and Keto to Paleo, we've all heard of at least one popular weight-loss trend. The problem with these diets is that they only work for some people. Even then, the results are often short-lived.

If you're wondering whether you have been on or are currently using a fad diet, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there a "magic" food source that will melt the pounds off your body?
  • Is the speed of weight loss unnatural or unrealistic?
  • Can you achieve "weight loss" without proper diet and exercise?
 Chiropractic Care Hanahan, SC

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, chances are it's a fad diet, and it most likely won't be very effective over the long run. With fad diets, balanced nutrition often takes the back seat to sketchy weight loss pills or extreme life choices - all of which are counterproductive to a healthy life.

If you have struggled with your weight for any length of time, there's no doubt you're stressed out trying to find an effective solution. You probably have many stories about following fad diets, taking unhealthy diet pills, or even dropping big bucks on expensive exercise equipment. If you're like most of our clients, you're still struggling with your weight, despite your best efforts. The common theme here is that all of your self-made attempts happened without the medical guidance of a true medical weight loss clinic in Hanahan, SC.

If this sounds like you, we've got great news. The safest, most effective solution to losing weight starts with the help of Back 2 Health's medical weight loss plans. Instead of choosing a fad diet, speak to one of our weight loss healthcare professionals. We can help you lose weight in a way that you find enjoyable, so you actually like

 Massage Therapy Hanahan, SC

Factors That Contribute to Obesity

Obesity is a nuanced disease that involves excessive amounts of body fat. It's not just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical issue that raises a person's chance of severe diseases and health problems. Often, obese people have problems losing weight because of physiological, genetic, and environmental factors. There are many other contributing factors to weight gain, including:

 Physical Therapy Hanahan, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

 Chronic Pain Management Hanahan, SC
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

 Weight Loss Clinic Hanahan, SC
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

Medical Weight Loss Hanahan, SC

Weight gain is very common during pregnancy, but some women find it hard to lose the added pounds once they have given birth. With time, this weight gain will contribute to obesity.

 Chiropractic Medicine Hanahan, SC
Lack of Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, your whole body suffers. If you're only getting a few hours of sleep a night, you may notice increased appetite and even hormone changes. Both factors can contribute to obesity.

 Back Pain Hanahan, SC
Smoking Cessation

Quitting smoking is one of the healthiest choices you can make as an adult. However, sometimes smoking cessation causes weight gain. For some, this weight gain gets out of control and leads to obesity. Often times this happens as former smokers use food to cope with their withdrawals.

 Knee Pain Treatment Hanahan, SC

When you're stressed out, you may turn to a chocolate bar or cheeseburger as "comfort food" to deal with whatever problem you're facing. Turning to fast food and sweets is not a healthy way to deal with stress and can lead to obesity.


  • Medical Consultation
  • Nutritional Conselling
  • Medical weight loss program
  • Weekly lipo B-12 injections
  • Blood work

Get Started


Consequences of Obesity

Although being obese is considered a physical condition, obesity's effects stretch far beyond a person's body composition and weight. Being overweight is associated with several long-term health problems. Many of these problems rank among the nation's leading reasons for premature death. Generally, the more excess weight you carry around, the more likely you are to develop negative complications with your health.

Individuals who are clinically obese have a heightened risk of the following ailments:

 Chiropractic Care Hanahan, SC
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular Issues (stroke, heart attack, and more)
  • Acid Reflux and Heartburn
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Joint Pain, Back Pain, and Orthopedic Issues
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Blood Clots
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Skin Infections
  • Incontinence from Stress
  • Breathing Problems
  • Cancer (colon, uterus, esophagus, cervix, pancreas, prostate, and more)
  • Severe Symptoms Resulting from COVID-19

The good news? Substantial weight loss is possible with diet, physical activity, and the help of a medical weight loss team. You do not have to be destined to live with obesity and a shorter life expectancy. Back 2 Health Physical Medicine is here to steer you down the path to a positive, healthy life for years to come.

Benefits of Using a Medical Weight Loss Clinic in Hanahan, SC

Controlling your weight is a healthy habit that allows you to maintain proper health. However, losing weight isn't just about looking better. It's about feeling better too and is a very important part of being healthy and well. Before you throw caution out the window and try a "miraculous" weight loss solution, contact Back 2 Health Physical Medicine. Our medical weight loss clinicians don't just focus on making you slimmer. Instead, we oversee improvements relating to hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive problems, and diet. We are devoted to changing the lives of our clients, one weight loss plan at a time.

Here are just a few benefits of using a medical weight loss clinic:

 Massage Therapy Hanahan, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

Unhealthy Diet
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

Liquid Calories
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

It's Time to Make a Change

When you sign up with Back 2 Health, know that you are taking a hugely important step to living a healthier life. If you're ready to feel better, look better, and live longer, call our medical weight loss clinic in Hanahan today. Before you know it, you will look and feel better than you ever have before.


Latest News in Hanahan, SC

Commentary: What makes a home? Hanahan has an answer to that.

Hanahan ... home sweet home. I regret to say I wasn’t born here. But I sure got here as fast as I could.Growing up in Hanahan would have felt like an American dream.However, I truly believe that not growing up here has created a deeper appreciation for where I now choose to live and raise my family. While the location is ideal and central to the Charleston region, it’s the culture and family values that I treasure most.Throughout this year, Hanahan has been celebrating its 50th birthday. This area was populat...

Hanahan ... home sweet home. I regret to say I wasn’t born here. But I sure got here as fast as I could.

Growing up in Hanahan would have felt like an American dream.

However, I truly believe that not growing up here has created a deeper appreciation for where I now choose to live and raise my family. While the location is ideal and central to the Charleston region, it’s the culture and family values that I treasure most.

Throughout this year, Hanahan has been celebrating its 50th birthday. This area was populated as far back as the 1600s, and one would find plantations where homes, parks and businesses now stand.

Sir John Yeamans founded Yeamans Hall, and brothers Arthur and Edward Middleton established Otranto Plantation to name a few of the first settlers.

After Reconstruction, the Charleston region grew, and so did its needs, especially for water.

To meet that need, the Commissioners of Public Works was established and purchased the Goose Creek Reservoir.

It later developed a vast system of tunnels and a pumping station to supply potable water to the region.

In addition to being a businessman and influential leader of this time, J. Ross Hanahan was named the first chairman of the Commissioners of Public Works. Upon his departure, the pumping station was named after him, and the area became known as Hanahan.

Schools were built. Business were created. Homes were established.

In September of 1973 (only a year after North Charleston officially became a city), the city of Hanahan was officially incorporated.

The city is still known for its award-winning schools, sports and community culture.

I recently co-authored a book called “Hanahan,” released by Arcadia publishing, as a part of its Images of America series.

When we met with people to learn about how Hanahan came to be, the stories weren’t just logistical. They were personal.

Stories of jumping off the train trestle into the water, dads coming home from work from the shipyard or paper mill, students at Senior Hill, first dates at the Arcadia Rollerdrome at Port Park, fishing at Mabeline Lodge and more.

Many stories started with “One time ...” or “Back in the day ...”

While the formation of the city itself is so important, just as important are the stories of the daily experiences of the people who became the city of Hanahan.

I began by referring to Hanahan as home sweet home. Many reading this will think of a place, a location, maybe even a house.

However, those who live in Hanahan know that home sweet home means the people, because through this extraordinary community one quickly learns that home is not a place but a person, or in our case, the people who surround us.

Christie Rainwater is Mayor of Hanahan.

Lowcountry Music Hall of Fame inducts members this Sunday

Musicians and business owners across the Charleston area will be celebrated for their achievements at the annual Lowcountry Music Hall of Fame.The idea to create a local celebration for the area’s musicians came from Michael Davis in 2015. Davis owns the 25-plus-year-old Ye Olde Music Shop in Hanahan. The store is advertised as the largest Gibson, Fender, Martin, Taylor a...

Musicians and business owners across the Charleston area will be celebrated for their achievements at the annual Lowcountry Music Hall of Fame.

The idea to create a local celebration for the area’s musicians came from Michael Davis in 2015. Davis owns the 25-plus-year-old Ye Olde Music Shop in Hanahan. The store is advertised as the largest Gibson, Fender, Martin, Taylor and Paul Reed Smith dealer in South Carolina. Davis was inspired by his business and customers to create a new Lowcountry tradition that went beyond his beloved shop.

The Hall of Fame has inducted several well-known Charleston artists, as well as some “unsung heroes” who can benefit from the recognition. The inaugural ceremony in 2015 inducted local music stores, politicians and music schools, with the tradition continuing into 2023.

The Lowcountry Hall of Fame will introduce 15 artists, business owners and radio personalities into the 2023 catalogue.

Attendees can enjoy food trucks, music mastery and good times with local music lovers at the induction ceremony for the 2023 Lowcountry Music Hall of Fame at 1 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Hanahan Amphitheater, 3100 Amphitheater Ave.

Get a weekly list of tips on pop-ups, last minute tickets and little-known experiences hand-selected by our newsroom in your inbox each Thursday.

It’s the last “My Charleston Weekend” of January already. Luckily, the further we get into 2024, the more and more the Lowcountry has to offer by way of events and festivals.

While, unfortunately, you can’t be everywhere at once, it’s an action-packed Saturday here in Charleston. Celebrate Commonhouse Aleworks’ sixth anniversary. Imbibe at the Charleston Winter Wine Festival or the Onesie Bar Crawl. Or whet your appetite at the 13th annual Bo’s Oyster Roast & Chili Cook Off.

Commonhouse Aleworks Sixth Anniversary

Commonhouse Aleworks, 4831 O’Hear Ave., celebrates its sixth anniversary with a blowout block party and oyster roast noon-10 p.m. on Jan. 27. Enjoy the party, complete with a vendor market, a whole-hog barbecue from Swig & Swine, kettle corn, face painting and plenty of competitions, including a pinup contest, beard and mustache contest and a beer-tasting challenge. Plus, there’ll be a bevy of live music shows with well-known players such as Southern Flavor Bluegrass, the Hot Club of Charleston, Jared Petteys & The Headliners, Tommy and The Chucktown Players and Dallas Baker and Friends. If you’re curious about the beer-brewing process, check out the brewery tour as well. Attendance is free. For more info, visit bit.ly/48KWbpu.

Charleston Winter Wine Festival

Head down to the fifth annual Charleston Winter Wine Festival for one of two sessions, noon-4 p.m. or 6-10 p.m., on Jan. 27 at Festival Hall, 56 Beaufain St. Enjoy tastings of more than 50 different wines, mimosas and beers while jamming out to live music from Mike Huhn and DJ Brent Folks. All beverage tastings are included in the ticket price, while food is available for separate purchase. Tickets are $55 in advance or, if available, $65 at the event. Guests will receive a souvenir acrylic wine glass with the purchase of a ticket. To grab your tickets and learn more, visit bit.ly/41gIBHE.

13th annual Bo’s Oyster Roast & Chili Cook Off

Oysters and chili join together to fight cancer from noon to 5 p.m. Jan. 27 at James Island County Park, 871 Riverland Drive. For the 13th year in a row, the James Island Vikings will throw a cook-off to benefit Islands Against Cancer and Sara’s Cure, two local nonprofit organizations dedicated to assisting those impacted by cancer. All ages are invited to get their fill. General admission tickets are $25 and provide access to the chili cook-off and entertainment. VIP tickets, $60, include all-you-can-eat oysters. For more information and tickets, visit bosroast.com.

Onesie Bar Crawl

The fan-favorite pajama party bar crawl is back from 3 to 11 p.m. on Jan. 27 starting at Uptown Social, 587 King St. Don your favorite onesie and brave the colder weather with your peers on King Street. Included in your ticket is a free crawl koozie, discounted drink specials, cover-free priority entry to top King Street bars and, for the first 300 to finish the crawl, custom celebratory T-shirts. Plus, enjoy an afterparty at Aura Latin Club, 28 Ann St., from 8 to 11 p.m. Anyone 21 and older is invited to participate, including designated drivers who are choosing not to drink! Tickets are $29 in advance or $34 the day of the event, available at bit.ly/47Kutbd.

Get a weekly list of tips on pop-ups, last minute tickets and little-known experiences hand-selected by our newsroom in your inbox each Thursday.

Hanahan Middle School students learn to save lives

HANAHAN, S.C. (WCIV) — Learning how to save lives one class at a time is the goal of a course at Hanahan Middle School."Our principal came to me last year , wanting to start a new class," teacher Susan Hill said. "And we did."Read more: Berkeley County begins construction of Nexton Middle School...

HANAHAN, S.C. (WCIV) — Learning how to save lives one class at a time is the goal of a course at Hanahan Middle School.

"Our principal came to me last year , wanting to start a new class," teacher Susan Hill said. "And we did."

Read more: Berkeley County begins construction of Nexton Middle School

The new class, called Introduction to Health Professions, brings the medical world to the classroom.

"We go through a lot about the body systems, different tools used by health professionals, and different types of jobs," Hill said.

For students to get a complete understanding of what it’s like to work in the medical field, health professionals from the community are invited to come speak, including Rodney Profit, a training captain with Boeing Security and Fire.

Learning about these jobs isn't the only takeaway for the students; they leave the course certified in basic life support.

Learning how to save lives one class at a time is the goal of a course at Hanahan Middle School. (WCIV)

"We do everything from adult child infant, CPR, choking first aid, and AED usages to get these students certified in basic life support," Profit said. "Students are given a chance to kind of look and explore what's out there for them and letting them know that there are no hurdles. If there are any hurdles, they can transverse those hurdles, but no one can tell them they can't do what they want to do.”

This encouragement has left students with the world at their fingertips.

"This has opened a lot more like pathways," student Lianny Martinez said.

Student, Savannah Wika said, "I would say it really like helped me realize what I really want to do for like a job. It really opened up what's happening when you go to the hospital."

Read more: BCSD approves $1.5K and $500 bonuses for fourth incentive of the year

The course also includes off-campus field trips. The class recently visited Charleston Southern University (CSU), where students got a tour of the campus.

For Hill, she believes each and every one of the students are more than capable of accomplishing their dreams.

"I just hope they understand how valuable they are and what a future they have," she said. "They have their whole lives in front of them and I'm just really excited to see what they do with that."

Hill says she could not be prouder of her students and teaching them has been a rewarding experience.

Community rallies around Hanahan family after devastating house fire

HANAHAN, S.C. (WCIV) — A Hanahan family is getting an outpouring of support after losing everything in a house fire.A fire spread through the Stewarts' Rembert Drive home Sunday in the blink of an eye. Neighbor Mike Hinson said he dropped what he was doing to help because he knew it was right."Meghan was in a panic," Hinson said. "I brought the kids in, found them something to watch on TV, and made them a little snack just to kind of get their minds off stuff."A fire gutting their home is just t...

HANAHAN, S.C. (WCIV) — A Hanahan family is getting an outpouring of support after losing everything in a house fire.

A fire spread through the Stewarts' Rembert Drive home Sunday in the blink of an eye. Neighbor Mike Hinson said he dropped what he was doing to help because he knew it was right.

"Meghan was in a panic," Hinson said. "I brought the kids in, found them something to watch on TV, and made them a little snack just to kind of get their minds off stuff."

A fire gutting their home is just the latest obstacle for Meghan had Bobby Stewart.

Read more: "2 mobile homes destroyed in Colleton County fire, investigation ongoing."

Meghan fought breast cancer for five years.

Bobby is recovering from surgery.

Long-time neighbor Hinson said he had to help his fellow neighbors, remembering the support the family gave him when his wife had cancer.

"Two years ago, my wife passed away, and so many people come together for me," Hinson said. "You can't give that back. She helped my wife, Sheila, get through it the best that she could. And we did the same for her, just returning what it is that we had borrowed."

His front porch is now a sort of landing zone.

People are stopping by with bags filled with clothes and shoes for the kids, toiletries, and other items.

Read more: "Firefighter falls through floor during house fire response in downtown Charleston: CFD."

All to make life a little easier for the Stewarts.

Hinson said this is what the Hanahan community is all about.

"These people right here are the people who are doing it for the right reasons," Hinson said. "You know, it's coming from the heart. All in all, if nothing else, they feel a lot of love."

A GoFundMe for the Stewarts was created. It can be seen here.

57 teams set for 54th Hanahan Invitational baseball tourney

A Lowcountry staple of spring returns this week as area high school baseball teams participate in the 54th annual Hanahan Invitational Tournament (HIT), the state’s longest running spring-break high school baseball tournament.A total of 57 varsity and junior varsity baseball teams will compete at local high school venues with championships decided on Thursday at Hanahan High. The event also includes out-of-state high school programs from states such as Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky.Among the schools...

A Lowcountry staple of spring returns this week as area high school baseball teams participate in the 54th annual Hanahan Invitational Tournament (HIT), the state’s longest running spring-break high school baseball tournament.

A total of 57 varsity and junior varsity baseball teams will compete at local high school venues with championships decided on Thursday at Hanahan High. The event also includes out-of-state high school programs from states such as Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky.

Among the schools participating is Catawba Ridge of Rock Hill, the defending Class AAAA state champion in South Carolina. Charleston-area teams Berkeley, Summerville, James Island, and Hanahan are currently ranked in their respective classification’s top 10 polls.

The varsity teams are divided into two divisions – the Hatfield and Steadman divisions, named for former Hanahan High baseball coaches. Tom Hatfield started the HIT 54 years ago and Steadman took over and brought the event to national prominence when he became the school’s head baseball coach and athletic director.

Prep Zone

Area high schools hosting games during the week include Hanahan, Bishop England, Wando, Berkeley, Ashley Ridge, James Island, West Ashley and Summerville.

Schools hosting junior varsity games include Cane Bay, Fort Dorchester, Stratford and Goose Creek.

Junior varsity games begin Monday morning with 21 varsity games beginning on Monday afternoon and evening.

54th HIT Monday varsity schedule

Steadman bracket

Hanahan High site

2 p.m. - Marvin Ridge (NC) vs, Catawba Ridge

5 p.m. – Cane Bay vs. James River (Va.)

7:30 p.m. – Hanahan vs. Oscar Smith (Va.)

Bishop England site

1 p.m. – Starr’s Mill (Ga.) vs. Cox (Va.)

3:30 p.m. – Starr’s Mill vs. Lucy Beckham

6 p.m. – Bishop England vs. McCracken County (Ky.)

Wando site

5 p.m. – Fort Dorchester vs. Providence (N.C)

7:30 – Wando vs, Hickory (Va.)

Berkeley site

5 p.m. – Philip Simmons vs. Green Briar Christian (Va.)

7:30 p.m. – Berkeley vs. Woodland

Hatfield bracket

Summerville site

5 p.m. – Pinewood Prep vs. St. Pius (Ga.)

7:30 p.m. – Summerville vs. Great Bridge (Va.)

West Ashley site

2 p.m. – Catholic (Va.) vs. Trinity Christian (Ga.)

5 p.m. – Ardrey Kell (N.C.) vs. Beaufort

7:30 p.m. – West Ashley vs. St. Francis (OH)

James Island site

2 p.m. – Western Branch (Va.) vs. Stratford

5 p.m. – Hilton Head Christian vs. Timberland

7:30 p.m. – James Island vs. Hilton Head Christian

Ashley Ridge site

2 p.m. – Ben Lippen vs. Goose Creek

5 p.m. - Bamberg-Ehrhardt vs. First Colonial (Va.)

7:30 p.m. – Ashley Ridge vs. Hickory Grove (N.C.)


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