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Medical Weight Loss in James Island, SC

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A New Solution to a Serious Problem

Obesity is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the United States. Recent statistics show that more than 78 million people are affected by obesity, whether that's through diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular issues, or even death. Millions try to lose weight every year to combat the negative effects that obesity brings about, but a large number of those people are unsuccessful. It can be easy for those without weight problems to say, "just lose the weight!" but unfortunately, weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. When done properly, it involves careful planning and professional help. When done incorrectly, it involves yo-yo dieting, fad diet solutions, and other unsafe methods.

Fad diets seen on TV can be encouraging, but the truth is most of these "programs" are less about healthy weight loss and more about losing weight fast. These unhealthy, unbalanced diets often foster weight gain, not weight loss over time.

Fortunately, more and more overweight adults and even children are turning to professionals for help, who not only help them achieve their weight loss goals but keep them on track and healthy for the long term. If you're looking for the highest quality medical weight loss in James Island, SC, look no further than Back 2 Health Physical Medicine.

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Medical Weight Loss James Island, SC
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What Our Clients Say

Losing Weight and Getting Back 2 Health the Right Way

If you were to ask one of our experienced clinicians their tips for a healthy life, maintaining a healthy weight would be at the very top of the list. This is especially true given the prevalence of certain viruses like COVID-19, which can wreak havoc on the body of an unhealthy, overweight individual. Unfortunately, given the sheer number of diet plans and "miracle" weight loss supplements, dieting can be a confusing, counterproductive journey. To make matters worse, many of these weight loss programs are not medically tested or supervised, which is dangerous.

At Back 2 Health, our team is committed to helping our clients lose weight and maintain that weight loss, so they can live a healthy, fulfilling life. Unlike some weight loss companies that tout "quick weight loss solutions," Back 2 Health Physical Medicine focuses on real results through time-tested techniques, strong support, and sustainable habits. There are no starvation diets or extreme exercise plans at our weight loss clinic in James Island - only medically-backed programs customized to your lifestyle.

 Chiropractic Medicine James Island, SC

Our medical weight loss programs include:

  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Medical Counseling
  • Health Metrics
  • Access to Our Knowledgeable Weight Loss Team
  • Medication Management
  • Customized Weight Loss Program
  • Blood Work
  • Available Health Supplements Such as B-12 Injections

Why Choose Back 2 Health for Medical Weight Loss in James Island, SC?

If you have tried to lose weight in the past but have failed, don't sweat it - there are millions of other men and women in your shoes as well. Your weight loss challenges are less about you failing and more about the diets or regimens you used. When it comes to healthy weight loss, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. That's why, when you walk into our medical weight loss clinic, we will conduct a thorough assessment and develop a custom weight loss strategy that you feel good about.

Our clients choose Back 2 Health Physical Medicine because we truly care about our customers' health. Our goal is to be as flexible and open about your weight loss journey as possible. Our customized plans fit not only your health needs but also your fitness goals and budget requirements.

 Back Pain James Island, SC

Our comprehensive medical weight loss plans include:

  • Regular follow-ups to ensure that you are staying healthy as you slim down
  • Cutting-edge treatments that reduce food cravings and speed up your metabolism
  • Ongoing support from our highly trained weight loss team
  • Personalized diet and exercise plans created with your lifestyle and medical history in mind
  • Education about exercise and how you can start a regular exercise routine
  • Prescription medications when needed
  • Enthusiastic tips and recommendations if you hit a weight loss plateau or don't achieve your goals
 Knee Pain Treatment James Island, SC

Choosing a medically supervised weight loss treatment plan from Back 2 Health Physical Medicine ensures that you lose weight safely and effectively, even after you achieve your weight loss goals. As you shed excess weight, we can also provide training and recommendations that keep the pounds off for good. If you're ready to give up on crash dieting and unsafe fads, it's time to call Back 2 Health in James Island, SC. Your body, your friends, and your family will thank you!

A Safe Solution to Long-TermWeight Loss

If you were to ask someone on the street to name a popular fad diet, they probably wouldn't have much trouble. From Atkins to South Beach and Keto to Paleo, we've all heard of at least one popular weight-loss trend. The problem with these diets is that they only work for some people. Even then, the results are often short-lived.

If you're wondering whether you have been on or are currently using a fad diet, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there a "magic" food source that will melt the pounds off your body?
  • Is the speed of weight loss unnatural or unrealistic?
  • Can you achieve "weight loss" without proper diet and exercise?
 Chiropractic Care James Island, SC

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, chances are it's a fad diet, and it most likely won't be very effective over the long run. With fad diets, balanced nutrition often takes the back seat to sketchy weight loss pills or extreme life choices - all of which are counterproductive to a healthy life.

If you have struggled with your weight for any length of time, there's no doubt you're stressed out trying to find an effective solution. You probably have many stories about following fad diets, taking unhealthy diet pills, or even dropping big bucks on expensive exercise equipment. If you're like most of our clients, you're still struggling with your weight, despite your best efforts. The common theme here is that all of your self-made attempts happened without the medical guidance of a true medical weight loss clinic in James Island, SC.

If this sounds like you, we've got great news. The safest, most effective solution to losing weight starts with the help of Back 2 Health's medical weight loss plans. Instead of choosing a fad diet, speak to one of our weight loss healthcare professionals. We can help you lose weight in a way that you find enjoyable, so you actually like

 Massage Therapy James Island, SC

Factors That Contribute to Obesity

Obesity is a nuanced disease that involves excessive amounts of body fat. It's not just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical issue that raises a person's chance of severe diseases and health problems. Often, obese people have problems losing weight because of physiological, genetic, and environmental factors. There are many other contributing factors to weight gain, including:

 Physical Therapy James Island, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

 Chronic Pain Management James Island, SC
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

 Weight Loss Clinic James Island, SC
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

Medical Weight Loss James Island, SC

Weight gain is very common during pregnancy, but some women find it hard to lose the added pounds once they have given birth. With time, this weight gain will contribute to obesity.

 Chiropractic Medicine James Island, SC
Lack of Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, your whole body suffers. If you're only getting a few hours of sleep a night, you may notice increased appetite and even hormone changes. Both factors can contribute to obesity.

 Back Pain James Island, SC
Smoking Cessation

Quitting smoking is one of the healthiest choices you can make as an adult. However, sometimes smoking cessation causes weight gain. For some, this weight gain gets out of control and leads to obesity. Often times this happens as former smokers use food to cope with their withdrawals.

 Knee Pain Treatment James Island, SC

When you're stressed out, you may turn to a chocolate bar or cheeseburger as "comfort food" to deal with whatever problem you're facing. Turning to fast food and sweets is not a healthy way to deal with stress and can lead to obesity.


  • Medical Consultation
  • Nutritional Conselling
  • Medical weight loss program
  • Weekly lipo B-12 injections
  • Blood work

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Consequences of Obesity

Although being obese is considered a physical condition, obesity's effects stretch far beyond a person's body composition and weight. Being overweight is associated with several long-term health problems. Many of these problems rank among the nation's leading reasons for premature death. Generally, the more excess weight you carry around, the more likely you are to develop negative complications with your health.

Individuals who are clinically obese have a heightened risk of the following ailments:

 Chiropractic Care James Island, SC
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular Issues (stroke, heart attack, and more)
  • Acid Reflux and Heartburn
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Joint Pain, Back Pain, and Orthopedic Issues
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Blood Clots
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Skin Infections
  • Incontinence from Stress
  • Breathing Problems
  • Cancer (colon, uterus, esophagus, cervix, pancreas, prostate, and more)
  • Severe Symptoms Resulting from COVID-19

The good news? Substantial weight loss is possible with diet, physical activity, and the help of a medical weight loss team. You do not have to be destined to live with obesity and a shorter life expectancy. Back 2 Health Physical Medicine is here to steer you down the path to a positive, healthy life for years to come.

Benefits of Using a Medical Weight Loss Clinic in James Island, SC

Controlling your weight is a healthy habit that allows you to maintain proper health. However, losing weight isn't just about looking better. It's about feeling better too and is a very important part of being healthy and well. Before you throw caution out the window and try a "miraculous" weight loss solution, contact Back 2 Health Physical Medicine. Our medical weight loss clinicians don't just focus on making you slimmer. Instead, we oversee improvements relating to hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive problems, and diet. We are devoted to changing the lives of our clients, one weight loss plan at a time.

Here are just a few benefits of using a medical weight loss clinic:

 Massage Therapy James Island, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

Unhealthy Diet
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

Liquid Calories
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

It's Time to Make a Change

When you sign up with Back 2 Health, know that you are taking a hugely important step to living a healthier life. If you're ready to feel better, look better, and live longer, call our medical weight loss clinic in James Island today. Before you know it, you will look and feel better than you ever have before.


Latest News in James Island, SC

Work contract awarded in long-awaited James Island pedestrian project

Updated: Jan. 9, 2025 at 5:07 PM PSTJAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - After a budget setback in 2024 delayed the project, the Charleton County Finance Committee is expected to award a contract for work to build sidewalks and a crosswalk at Woodland Shores Road and Maybank Highway on James Island.People living in the area say they have been petitioning leaders for pedestrian improvements for years. Adam Friend founded a neighborhood association that focuses on improvement projects and recently, the group celebrated adding speed humps ...

Updated: Jan. 9, 2025 at 5:07 PM PST

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - After a budget setback in 2024 delayed the project, the Charleton County Finance Committee is expected to award a contract for work to build sidewalks and a crosswalk at Woodland Shores Road and Maybank Highway on James Island.

People living in the area say they have been petitioning leaders for pedestrian improvements for years. Adam Friend founded a neighborhood association that focuses on improvement projects and recently, the group celebrated adding speed humps to Woodland Shores Road.

The ‘Complete Streets’ project plans to put that 8-foot sidewalk along Woodland Shores Drive, onto Maybank Highway to Stefan Drive, and add a midblock crossing of Maybank near Stefan Drive at Terrace Plaza. The work will include a median, pavement marking and drainage as well.

“For it to be 2025 and we’re finally seeing that a bid is being endorsed and going to be signed off on tonight with Gulf Stream is surreal, I guess would be the best word. I’m excited yes, but I’m going to hold out until I see they’re actually breaking ground before I believe this is really happening, but it looks certainly to be coming to fruition which should really help the safety of a lot of us who live on Woodland Shores Road,” Friend says.

County Council is expected to award a more than $3.6 million contract with Gulf Stream construction. Woodland Shores Road catapulted into the public eye after a 2023 hit and run that left Jen Drummond seriously injured. Her neighbors renewed a push for sidewalks, something they say they had wanted for some time. Their efforts have also achieved adding speed bumps since the incident.

“We’d hoped we could have avoided something tragic prior to having this come to fruition, but we fought really hard as a neighborhood. I started this Woodland Shores commission and I think it’s been a really strong grassroots mission, of people just refusing to take no,” Friend says.

Funding is both federal and local for the multi-million dollar project. There is not a set construction start date, but the work is expected to have at least a nine-month timeline once shovels are in the ground. Friend says it’s not perfect since it’s only one side of the road, and the opposite side of their mailboxes for some, but he thanks the local and state leaders who worked on achieving it.

“People have become very ‘Doubting Thomases’ I guess and don’t think it’s really going to happen, so I think we will all be really happy when we see the work in progress,” Friend says.

Copyright 2025 WCSC. All rights reserved.

5 water buffaloes die from cold weather at Legare Farms on Johns Island

The recent winter weather blast has not only affected drivers but has also taken a toll on local farmers, including those at Legare Farms on Johns Island. The farm has faced significant challenges due to the sudden drop in temperatures. (WCIV)JOHNS ISLAND, S.C. (WCIV) — The recent winter weather blast has not only affected drivers but has also taken a toll on local farmers, including those at Legare Farms on Johns Island. The farm has faced significant challenges due to the sudden drop in temperatures."It was like a ...

The recent winter weather blast has not only affected drivers but has also taken a toll on local farmers, including those at Legare Farms on Johns Island. The farm has faced significant challenges due to the sudden drop in temperatures. (WCIV)

JOHNS ISLAND, S.C. (WCIV) — The recent winter weather blast has not only affected drivers but has also taken a toll on local farmers, including those at Legare Farms on Johns Island. The farm has faced significant challenges due to the sudden drop in temperatures.

"It was like a sleet," Thomas Legare, a farmer at Legare Farms, said. "I walked outside about eight o'clock to get him, bring him in the house, it was pelting you. It was hurting when it was hitting you."

Legare explained, "Between myself and my crew-- we've had to put in a lot of overtime here in the last couple of days. Feeding animals, getting ice out of water troughs, making sure everything's got feed and hay."

The cold weather has led to the loss of five water buffaloes on the farm. "All of a sudden this storm hit and temperatures dropped below freezing and I think that's what caused the fatalities in some of our buffaloes," Legare said.

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Despite the harsh conditions, Legare emphasized the relentless nature of farming. "We're busy 365 days out of the year," he said.

The winter weather's remnants, including snow and sleet, may impact upcoming crops and have already affected the farm's workload. "Our business is down big time this week," Legare said, noting that the farm's mobile markets have been shut due to rough roads.

However, there is hope on the horizon as temperatures rise, melting some of the ice and snow. Legare Farms is preparing to celebrate 300 years of serving the Lowcountry. "I've probably seen more in my lifetime in the last 60 years than in the first 240 years we were here," Legare said.

He is preparing to start planting winter and spring vegetables soon. The impact on crops will depend on how wet the fields remain and for how long.

‘Revolutionary’: James Island pharmacist weighs in on newly approved medication

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved a new class of non-opioid painkiller which one Lowcountry pharmacist is calling “revolutionary.”The manufacturer Vortex Pharmaceuticals developed Journavx or suzetrigine which are 50 milligram oral tablets. The drug is meant to treat moderate to severe acute pain in patients. Acute pains come from trauma, surgery or infections and tend to last a month or less, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The FDA ...

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved a new class of non-opioid painkiller which one Lowcountry pharmacist is calling “revolutionary.”

The manufacturer Vortex Pharmaceuticals developed Journavx or suzetrigine which are 50 milligram oral tablets. The drug is meant to treat moderate to severe acute pain in patients. Acute pains come from trauma, surgery or infections and tend to last a month or less, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The FDA signed off on the approval in January, making the drug the first of its kind.

The painkiller is an alternative to current treatment options such as opioids and over the counter medications like Ibuprofen. The issue with current treatments is opioids addictive nature while over the counter medications may be not strong enough for some pains.

The new drug is meant to be used for the shortest amount of time or at most 14 days, while being consistent with patient goals. The amount corresponds with the FDA study that trialed over 800 participants dealing with pains from tummy tuck and bunion procedures. The agency compiled supporting safety data with 256 participants across a range of acute pain conditions.

Dottie’s Pharmacy’s Chief Pharmacist, Dottie Farfone, calls the new drug “revolutionary.” Farfone says the difference between the new pill and current opioid treatments is in the way it breaks down in the body.

“It’s a selective sodium channel blocker that actually works at the site of the pain,” Farfone says. “Unlike opioids which work in the brain, on the opioid receptors.”

The drug alternative ties to the agency’s effort in preventing opioid overdoses. That effort promotes developing non-opioid drugs for acute pain.

Dottie’s Pharmacy on James Island works to fight the local opioid crisis through awareness initiatives. The pharmacy received funds from the South Carolina Opioid Recovery Fund Board to help educate patients on taking prescriptions as prescribed along with emergency preparedness such as Narcan, an emergency nasal spray treatment that reverses opioid overdoses.

The new painkiller does cost a pretty penny at the moment. Patients interested in purchasing the drug are looking at $30 for two pills. Farfone says the cost is to be expected for now.

“As to be expected with most new medications, they are higher priced because of research and development,” Farfone says. “The price is around $15 a tablet but Vertex Pharmaceuticals, who is the manufacturer, offers a copay assistance savings program.”

The FDA highlights side effects such as itching, rashes and muscle spasms. Farfone says the pill should not be taken with oral contraceptives or cholesterol medications because of the way it breaks down in the body.

The chief pharmacist recommends anyone interested in taking the treatment to speak to their pharmacist or health care provider.

Copyright 2025 WCSC. All rights reserved.

How city leaders are planning to preserve and repurpose Fort Pemberton

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Underneath the overgrowth and rubble left behind from what was once an active Confederate fort is the promise of something new.Charleston City Council discussed a contract on Tuesday with Bluetide Marine Construction, which would use $1.2 million to complete public access improvements at Fort Pemberton Park. This precedes the construction of a project several years in the making.The city purchased the roughly six-acre, Yates Avenue property in 2019 for more than $6 million. The goal was to follow a c...

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Underneath the overgrowth and rubble left behind from what was once an active Confederate fort is the promise of something new.

Charleston City Council discussed a contract on Tuesday with Bluetide Marine Construction, which would use $1.2 million to complete public access improvements at Fort Pemberton Park. This precedes the construction of a project several years in the making.

The city purchased the roughly six-acre, Yates Avenue property in 2019 for more than $6 million. The goal was to follow a city master plan of improving greenspace and waterfront access for the public good.

“If this property would’ve come up anywhere in the city limits, we would’ve tried to purchase it. It’s a very special place. Hundreds of years of history,” City Parks Director Jason Kronsberg said. “This was somewhat of a once-in-a-lifetime chance to preserve this type of property in perpetuity for the public.”

Fort Pemberton was built to be used as one of several defense systems during the American Civil War, although it never saw combat. The historic landmark is one of a few “earthwork” forts in the Lowcountry, being made mostly of mounded dirt.

Much of the fort is still distinguishable if you know what to look for, including walls and moats that once surrounded a center of defense, outlooking the Stono River from higher ground. Many history buffs know the property for its pentagonal shape.

While one can stand at the top and picture its historic integrity, the city of Charleston wants to repurpose the property into something the public can enjoy, while also preserving its past value.

“We always anticipated this as a passive park. Interpretive in nature. Two entrance points, one entrance point getting you into the middle of the old fort, another one down here the lower land,” Kronsberg said. “Passive open space, like you see behind me. Come out, throw your frisbee, kick a ball, take a walk and enjoy the sunset.”

The city plans to construct minimally on the property, simply adding a picnic shelter near the foundation of the former home, restrooms, a supply of parking spaces, small park site furnishings and revamping the old two fishing docks.

One of the docks will be intended as a kayak launch point.

The group is also discussing long-term efforts to provide better connectivity between the different county parks and connection points lining the Stono River. This would provide a “blue trail” for travelers on water to make pit stops.

The city plans to preserve the fort’s remaining structure and create signage that tells its history.

“Gives you another place to come, the view here is incredible on the Stono River, especially at sunset. It’s kind of a hidden-away spot. Riverland Terrace is the oldest subdivision on James Island and part of the city. I’d be interested to see how many people start utilizing it,” neighbor Adam Friend said.

The funding for the project includes grants from water and land conservation, greenbelt and the city’s general funds.

The property is not open to the public at this time. The city advises it is considered private property and being on-site without city permission is considered trespassing.

Copyright 2025 WCSC. All rights reserved.

AmeriCorps members help James Island with drainage issues

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of James Island is working with AmeriCorps volunteers for the first time to alleviate stormwater drainage issues.Town of James Island Mayor Brook Lyon says the team is working to help a neighborhood that is prone to flooding issues.“We have a lot of big rain events and the water has nowhere to go,” Lyon said.That means the potential for flooding is greater when pipes are clogged or culverts are blocked. That’s why AmeriCorps volunteers are helping out alongside Town ...

JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of James Island is working with AmeriCorps volunteers for the first time to alleviate stormwater drainage issues.

Town of James Island Mayor Brook Lyon says the team is working to help a neighborhood that is prone to flooding issues.

“We have a lot of big rain events and the water has nowhere to go,” Lyon said.

That means the potential for flooding is greater when pipes are clogged or culverts are blocked. That’s why AmeriCorps volunteers are helping out alongside Town of James Island staff. They dug ditches and cleared pipes so seven homes could have working stormwater drainage.

“Whenever we set up a ditch we have to set up the streamlines from one end to another to make sure that it’s even all the way down so when water does flow through it doesn’t get stuck in a certain spot,” AmeriCorps member Hazely Mckeever says.

“Getting everything cleared out and connected again hopefully allows the system as designed initially and flow all the way out to the ocean and away from all these houses,” AmeriCorps Team Leader Theo Faucher says.

Lyon says it’s been a challenge keeping up with maintenance and thanks to an AmeriCorps grant, the Town of James Island was awarded a team of AmeriCorps members who have been extremely helpful. AmeriCorps member Madeleine Ball says it’s a win-win situation.

“It’s been a huge learning experience, especially the different projects we’ve done. I’ve learned more about construction. I would never have known how to dig a ditch,” Ball said.

“Very difficult, but a lot of fun. It’s hard work but it’s good work,” AmeriCorps member Finley Carlson said.

Lyon says the hard work is greatly appreciated by the neighborhood.

“They came out in droves, they met them, they thanked them. We are so grateful for all their hard work and all they’ve done,” Lyon said.

Lyon said if you live in the neighborhood, you can help by keeping the diches and these concrete pipes clear of trash and debris. She said making sure you don’t blow leaves in them will help keep the system running smoothly. She said if you’re having drainage issues and live on the island to contact town hall.

The team is wrapping up their work on James Island. Next, they’ll be headed to Newport, Kentucky to work with the Brighton Center, a community center, with a variety of services.

Copyright 2025 WCSC. All rights reserved.


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