
Medical Weight Loss in Summerville, SC

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A New Solution to a Serious Problem

Obesity is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the United States. Recent statistics show that more than 78 million people are affected by obesity, whether that's through diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular issues, or even death. Millions try to lose weight every year to combat the negative effects that obesity brings about, but a large number of those people are unsuccessful. It can be easy for those without weight problems to say, "just lose the weight!" but unfortunately, weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. When done properly, it involves careful planning and professional help. When done incorrectly, it involves yo-yo dieting, fad diet solutions, and other unsafe methods.

Fad diets seen on TV can be encouraging, but the truth is most of these "programs" are less about healthy weight loss and more about losing weight fast. These unhealthy, unbalanced diets often foster weight gain, not weight loss over time.

Fortunately, more and more overweight adults and even children are turning to professionals for help, who not only help them achieve their weight loss goals but keep them on track and healthy for the long term. If you're looking for the highest quality medical weight loss in Summerville, SC, look no further than Back 2 Health Physical Medicine.

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Medical Weight Loss Summerville, SC
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Losing Weight and Getting Back 2 Health the Right Way

If you were to ask one of our experienced clinicians their tips for a healthy life, maintaining a healthy weight would be at the very top of the list. This is especially true given the prevalence of certain viruses like COVID-19, which can wreak havoc on the body of an unhealthy, overweight individual. Unfortunately, given the sheer number of diet plans and "miracle" weight loss supplements, dieting can be a confusing, counterproductive journey. To make matters worse, many of these weight loss programs are not medically tested or supervised, which is dangerous.

At Back 2 Health, our team is committed to helping our clients lose weight and maintain that weight loss, so they can live a healthy, fulfilling life. Unlike some weight loss companies that tout "quick weight loss solutions," Back 2 Health Physical Medicine focuses on real results through time-tested techniques, strong support, and sustainable habits. There are no starvation diets or extreme exercise plans at our weight loss clinic in Summerville - only medically-backed programs customized to your lifestyle.

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Our medical weight loss programs include:

  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Medical Counseling
  • Health Metrics
  • Access to Our Knowledgeable Weight Loss Team
  • Medication Management
  • Customized Weight Loss Program
  • Blood Work
  • Available Health Supplements Such as B-12 Injections

Why Choose Back 2 Health for Medical Weight Loss in Summerville, SC?

If you have tried to lose weight in the past but have failed, don't sweat it - there are millions of other men and women in your shoes as well. Your weight loss challenges are less about you failing and more about the diets or regimens you used. When it comes to healthy weight loss, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. That's why, when you walk into our medical weight loss clinic, we will conduct a thorough assessment and develop a custom weight loss strategy that you feel good about.

Our clients choose Back 2 Health Physical Medicine because we truly care about our customers' health. Our goal is to be as flexible and open about your weight loss journey as possible. Our customized plans fit not only your health needs but also your fitness goals and budget requirements.

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Our comprehensive medical weight loss plans include:

  • Regular follow-ups to ensure that you are staying healthy as you slim down
  • Cutting-edge treatments that reduce food cravings and speed up your metabolism
  • Ongoing support from our highly trained weight loss team
  • Personalized diet and exercise plans created with your lifestyle and medical history in mind
  • Education about exercise and how you can start a regular exercise routine
  • Prescription medications when needed
  • Enthusiastic tips and recommendations if you hit a weight loss plateau or don't achieve your goals
 Knee Pain Treatment Summerville, SC

Choosing a medically supervised weight loss treatment plan from Back 2 Health Physical Medicine ensures that you lose weight safely and effectively, even after you achieve your weight loss goals. As you shed excess weight, we can also provide training and recommendations that keep the pounds off for good. If you're ready to give up on crash dieting and unsafe fads, it's time to call Back 2 Health in Summerville, SC. Your body, your friends, and your family will thank you!

A Safe Solution to Long-TermWeight Loss

If you were to ask someone on the street to name a popular fad diet, they probably wouldn't have much trouble. From Atkins to South Beach and Keto to Paleo, we've all heard of at least one popular weight-loss trend. The problem with these diets is that they only work for some people. Even then, the results are often short-lived.

If you're wondering whether you have been on or are currently using a fad diet, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there a "magic" food source that will melt the pounds off your body?
  • Is the speed of weight loss unnatural or unrealistic?
  • Can you achieve "weight loss" without proper diet and exercise?
 Chiropractic Care Summerville, SC

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, chances are it's a fad diet, and it most likely won't be very effective over the long run. With fad diets, balanced nutrition often takes the back seat to sketchy weight loss pills or extreme life choices - all of which are counterproductive to a healthy life.

If you have struggled with your weight for any length of time, there's no doubt you're stressed out trying to find an effective solution. You probably have many stories about following fad diets, taking unhealthy diet pills, or even dropping big bucks on expensive exercise equipment. If you're like most of our clients, you're still struggling with your weight, despite your best efforts. The common theme here is that all of your self-made attempts happened without the medical guidance of a true medical weight loss clinic in Summerville, SC.

If this sounds like you, we've got great news. The safest, most effective solution to losing weight starts with the help of Back 2 Health's medical weight loss plans. Instead of choosing a fad diet, speak to one of our weight loss healthcare professionals. We can help you lose weight in a way that you find enjoyable, so you actually like

 Massage Therapy Summerville, SC

Factors That Contribute to Obesity

Obesity is a nuanced disease that involves excessive amounts of body fat. It's not just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical issue that raises a person's chance of severe diseases and health problems. Often, obese people have problems losing weight because of physiological, genetic, and environmental factors. There are many other contributing factors to weight gain, including:

 Physical Therapy Summerville, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

 Chronic Pain Management Summerville, SC
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

 Weight Loss Clinic Summerville, SC
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

Medical Weight Loss Summerville, SC

Weight gain is very common during pregnancy, but some women find it hard to lose the added pounds once they have given birth. With time, this weight gain will contribute to obesity.

 Chiropractic Medicine Summerville, SC
Lack of Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, your whole body suffers. If you're only getting a few hours of sleep a night, you may notice increased appetite and even hormone changes. Both factors can contribute to obesity.

 Back Pain Summerville, SC
Smoking Cessation

Quitting smoking is one of the healthiest choices you can make as an adult. However, sometimes smoking cessation causes weight gain. For some, this weight gain gets out of control and leads to obesity. Often times this happens as former smokers use food to cope with their withdrawals.

 Knee Pain Treatment Summerville, SC

When you're stressed out, you may turn to a chocolate bar or cheeseburger as "comfort food" to deal with whatever problem you're facing. Turning to fast food and sweets is not a healthy way to deal with stress and can lead to obesity.


  • Medical Consultation
  • Nutritional Conselling
  • Medical weight loss program
  • Weekly lipo B-12 injections
  • Blood work

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Consequences of Obesity

Although being obese is considered a physical condition, obesity's effects stretch far beyond a person's body composition and weight. Being overweight is associated with several long-term health problems. Many of these problems rank among the nation's leading reasons for premature death. Generally, the more excess weight you carry around, the more likely you are to develop negative complications with your health.

Individuals who are clinically obese have a heightened risk of the following ailments:

 Chiropractic Care Summerville, SC
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol)
  • Cardiovascular Issues (stroke, heart attack, and more)
  • Acid Reflux and Heartburn
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Joint Pain, Back Pain, and Orthopedic Issues
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Blood Clots
  • Fatty Liver Disease
  • Skin Infections
  • Incontinence from Stress
  • Breathing Problems
  • Cancer (colon, uterus, esophagus, cervix, pancreas, prostate, and more)
  • Severe Symptoms Resulting from COVID-19

The good news? Substantial weight loss is possible with diet, physical activity, and the help of a medical weight loss team. You do not have to be destined to live with obesity and a shorter life expectancy. Back 2 Health Physical Medicine is here to steer you down the path to a positive, healthy life for years to come.

Benefits of Using a Medical Weight Loss Clinic in Summerville, SC

Controlling your weight is a healthy habit that allows you to maintain proper health. However, losing weight isn't just about looking better. It's about feeling better too and is a very important part of being healthy and well. Before you throw caution out the window and try a "miraculous" weight loss solution, contact Back 2 Health Physical Medicine. Our medical weight loss clinicians don't just focus on making you slimmer. Instead, we oversee improvements relating to hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, cholesterol, digestive problems, and diet. We are devoted to changing the lives of our clients, one weight loss plan at a time.

Here are just a few benefits of using a medical weight loss clinic:

 Massage Therapy Summerville, SC

People who live sedentary lifestyles will take in more calories than they burn off through exercise or day-to-day activities. Inactivity is a huge problem in today's society, especially with the constant presence of computers, smartphones, and tablets that encourage the user to stay glued to their screen.

Unhealthy Diet
Unhealthy Diet

If your daily food intake consists of high-caloric fast-food meals full of oversized portions, expect to gain weight quickly.

Liquid Calories
Liquid Calories

Alcoholic and other high-calorie drinks like sodas cause people to intake large amounts of calories without ever feeling full. When combined with a poor diet and lack of water intake, consuming liquid calories can be a significant contributor to weight gain.

It's Time to Make a Change

When you sign up with Back 2 Health, know that you are taking a hugely important step to living a healthier life. If you're ready to feel better, look better, and live longer, call our medical weight loss clinic in Summerville today. Before you know it, you will look and feel better than you ever have before.


Latest News in Summerville, SC

HBO Max designer is selling her colorful South Carolina house. Take a look inside.

The day before Gray Benko put her Summerville house on the market, the host of Magnolia TV's "Happy to be Home" hoped there would be a buyer out there who would appreciate her colorfully decorated cottage.Turns out there was, and it didn't take long for them to connect.Within three days, her family house at 115 Briarwood Lane was under contract — a fraction of the average ...

The day before Gray Benko put her Summerville house on the market, the host of Magnolia TV's "Happy to be Home" hoped there would be a buyer out there who would appreciate her colorfully decorated cottage.

Turns out there was, and it didn't take long for them to connect.

Within three days, her family house at 115 Briarwood Lane was under contract — a fraction of the average 37 days a Summerville house is typically on the market. The asking price is $1.8 million.

Benko, a Summerville native and interior designer, moved into 4,021-square-foot, 6-bedroom, 4-bathroom house with her family in 2019. The purchase price was $875,000.

Benko said she and her family weren't necessarily looking to move at the time, but she was browsing Zillow for fun and "fell in love" with the house.

"I felt so drawn to this house for whatever reason and was just like, 'I need to figure out how to live there,'" she recalled with a laugh.

Since moving in, the designer has gutted the master bathroom and updated the air system. Any work otherwise was cosmetic, adding her colorful touches with vibrant wallpaper in purples and blues and complementary trims in bright greens and yellows.

"There weren't a lot of renovations that were needed. The house was immaculate," she said. "The décor was even nicely done. It just wasn't me."

Prior to the Benkos' purchase, the previous owner remodeled the kitchen, updated the roof and pool, rebuilt the porches, shored up the foundations and took the walls and exterior down to the original wood, she noted.

In fact, when the prior owner removed nearly two centuries of exterior paint, he found a hand-carved panel that revealed the house was built in 1815.

Taylor Charpia of Charleston's Taylor Charpia Real Estate, representation for the Benkos, said the house's is charming from the outside but unassuming to what lies beyond the front doors

"When you pull up to this very grand, white home, you'd never tell it doesn't match the inside," he said. "Everything is so curated. ... You just walk in and smile."

Charpia said the Summerville market, especially the historic downtown, has seen some major growth with people moving from all over the country. Last month, Move Buddha, a company that provides data to help people plan their moves, named Summerville the No. 1 job-magnet suburb in the U.S. for 2024.

Adding to the town's allure, it has the historic charm of areas like Mount Pleasant's Old Village, but without the prices, Charpia added.

"To give you perspective, the Old Village is trading for $2,000 a square foot and we're trading for $500 a square foot here," he said. "And you're still getting a beautiful historic home."

For the last two years, Benko's show "Happy to be Home" has followed her renovations of historic Summerville homes. The show airs on HBO Max and features Benko's father, a general contractor, and her former husband Mike — the two separated last year — as craftsman on the projects.

Benko hopes to remain in Summerville with her two children and has put a call out to local residents looking to sell for her next "project house."

The ‘Ghost’ Haunting This South Carolina Town Might Have an Earthly Explanation, Scientist Says

In Summerville, South Carolina, a mysterious light has been seen hovering over old railroad tracks. Legend has it, it’s the glow of a lantern lighting the path of a ghost searching for her decapitated husband.Now, a seismologist has offered a scientific explanation for the floating orb: earthquakes. Susan Hough at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) published her idea in a research article late last month in ...

In Summerville, South Carolina, a mysterious light has been seen hovering over old railroad tracks. Legend has it, it’s the glow of a lantern lighting the path of a ghost searching for her decapitated husband.

Now, a seismologist has offered a scientific explanation for the floating orb: earthquakes. Susan Hough at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) published her idea in a research article late last month in Seismological Research Letters.

Hough was studying the area’s seismology, scouring old records with references to the “Summerville Light,” while trying to pinpoint the source of the destructive 1886 earthquake in Charleston. Then, she read a Halloween-themed USGS newsletter on spooky science.

“That sparked—so to speak—an idea that had been in the back of my mind, working on Charleston, that I had never really even thought too much about,” says Hough in a statement from the Seismological Society of America. “What about those ghost stories from Summerville?”

Hough suggests the town’s paranormal legends actually point to earthquakes. She noticed that many of the local “ghost sightings” coincided with periods of seismic activity.

“People said their cars would shak? violently. Well, that’s an earthquake,” Hough says to Science’s Richard Stone. “They heard noises upstairs, whispers. Or doors would swing. Seismic events we may not perceive as earthquakes fit some of these accounts. And glowing orbs that would hang in the air along a former railroad track. Well, that makes you think earthquake lights.”

Earthquake lights are mysterious phenomena that have been observed around the world, but scientists still don’t have a clear idea of what causes them. Some have proposed that seismic activity deforms minerals in the Earth, creating an electrical charge that can lead air molecules to glow. Another theory is that they’re related to the release of gases like radon or methane, which can ignite when they’re exposed to a spark of static electricity. Hough believes the railroad tracks, in particular, are the key to Summerville’s ghosts.

“Historically, when [rail companies] replaced tracks, they didn’t always haul the old track away. So, you’ve got heaps of steel out there. Sparks might be part of the story,” Hough says to Science. “And maybe the railroads are important for another reason. They may naturally follow fault lines that have carved corridors through the landscape.”

That could explain why so many ghost stories—even beyond Summerville—involve lights over railways, she adds. “When you start looking around, it turns out there’s any number of ghosts wandering around railroad tracks with lanterns looking for severed heads,” says Hough to Jonah Chester at the Post and Courier. “There’s kind of an epidemic of them.”

Recognizing this connection could help scientists find seismic zones that have gone unrecognized so far. Following similar ghost stories in other regions could point to areas with a low level of earthquake activity that had only been noticed through earthquake lights, per the statement.

Earthquakes are “an appealing explanation for these ghost stories,” says Will Levandowski, a geophysicist with the consulting company Tetra Tech who was not involved in the study, to Carolyn Wilke at the New York Times.

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Sara Hashemi | READ MORE

Sara Hashemi is a science writer and fact-checker currently based in New York City. Her work has appeared in Sierra, The Body, Maisonneuve magazine and more.

Filed Under: American South, Chemistry, Earth Science, Earthquakes, Geology, Mysteries, New Research, Trains

Summerville neighbors push for safety gate near new Berlin G. Myers walkway

Published: Jan. 9, 2025 at 1:45 PM PST|SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - A newly constructed portion of Berlin G. Myers Parkway creates concerns among some families about connectivity risks.Joseph Greco has lived in the Tea Farm neighborhood for five years and has four kids. The yards they play in are just across the street from a recent addition to the parkway: an access point for pedestrians or cyclists.“This walkway was put here to get access to the Sawmill Branch Trail. When you get to the top of it, there is no barri...

Published: Jan. 9, 2025 at 1:45 PM PST|

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCSC) - A newly constructed portion of Berlin G. Myers Parkway creates concerns among some families about connectivity risks.

Joseph Greco has lived in the Tea Farm neighborhood for five years and has four kids. The yards they play in are just across the street from a recent addition to the parkway: an access point for pedestrians or cyclists.

“This walkway was put here to get access to the Sawmill Branch Trail. When you get to the top of it, there is no barrier between the sidewalk and the highway itself. There’s no type of enclosure or gate to spot people’s children or pets from walking up here and having direct access to the highway,” Greco said.

Neighbors asked for a self-closing safety gate to be placed in front of the entry spot for the ramp, similar to what you might see at a public pool or park. They also pitched the idea of placing fencing along the sidewalk to divide oncoming traffic from those using the path.

The community has attempted change for the past year, Greco speaking with the department since February of 2024.

In emails provided by Greco, the district bridge engineer described the construction zone and currently inactive highway area as a “poorly controlled access point.” The engineer also mentioned they would effort a conversation on safety protocols, and referenced the gate in question would need to be self-closing, low maintenance, rated for outdoor use and have reliable or smooth operation.

The engineer followed up in October, claiming that the department’s traffic safety staff and local bicyclist and pedestrian groups were not in favor of the gate. Several reasons were listed:

“Getting the response that the inconvenience of a cyclist is more concerning than safety in the community that’s been inconvenienced by the ramp being built here was pretty disheartening,” Greco said.

South Carolina has continuously ranked among the deadliest states for bicyclists and pedestrians since 2020. The department started a program in 2022 to help curb those numbers and create an initiative for bike and pedestrian safety.

Greco continued with saying he is not opposed to the new roadway or its new connection options. He said he does grow fearful of what results the “unprotected” route in his family-centered neighborhood could present.

“As close as I am to it every day, i see the children wandering up this, and pets getting loose and coming up here. Right now there’s small traffic from construction, but once this is an open highway, it’ll be continuous traffic up here,” Greco said.

South Carolina Department of Transporation released the following statement:

“We’re aware of the concern and working with local officials to determine a path forward. I don’t have further details to share at this point.”

SCDOT first introduced the Berlin G. Myers Parkway project in 1990 in pursuit of reducing traffic congestion, improving road safety and providing better road linkage in busier portions of Summerville. The extension of Berlin G. Myers Parkway, or Phase III, creates four lanes of new road, stretching 2.5 miles and costing an estimated $118 million.

Copyright 2025 WCSC. All rights reserved.

‘Ghost’ that haunts abandoned South Carolina rail line may be caused by tiny earthquakes

Legend has it that if you walk along Old Light Road in Summerville, South Carolina, you might see an eerie glow hovering over an abandoned rail line in the nearby woods. Old-timers will tell you it’s a spectral lantern held by the apparition of a woman searching for her decapitated husband’s head. Susan Hough has proposed a scientific explanation that is far more plausible, however. A seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), she believes ...

Legend has it that if you walk along Old Light Road in Summerville, South Carolina, you might see an eerie glow hovering over an abandoned rail line in the nearby woods. Old-timers will tell you it’s a spectral lantern held by the apparition of a woman searching for her decapitated husband’s head. Susan Hough has proposed a scientific explanation that is far more plausible, however. A seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), she believes the so-called Summerville Light could represent a rare natural phenomenon: earthquake lights.

“I’m sure there are colleagues out there thinking, ‘She’s lost her mind,’” Hough says. But in the January issue of Seismological Research Letters, she recounts how her “flight of fancy” was a byproduct of more traditional fieldwork. In 2023, she and a colleague discovered a kink in the tracks of the South Carolina Railroad pointing to the fault that caused a magnitude 7.3 earthquake in Charleston in 1886. Her sleuthing for that project led to the revelation that small earthquakes in the Summerville area northwest of the city could trigger a seemingly supernatural glow.

Hough chatted with Science about her foray into ghostbusting. This interview has been edited for clarity and length.


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A: When I was working in Charleston, I would go to bookstores and libraries and look for local publications, and sometimes find things with snippets of useful information. There were newspaper articles about the Summerville Light. And books like Haunted Summerville. I didn’t give it a lot of thought. Then last October, a USGS newsletter ran a little feature on spooky science. That got me thinking again about the ghost stories. And some of the details just screamed earthquake phenomena.

A: People said their cars would shak? violently. Well, that’s an earthquake. They heard noises upstairs, whispers. Or doors would swing. Seismic events we may not perceive as earthquakes fit some of these accounts. And glowing orbs that would hang in the air along a former railroad track. Well, that makes you think earthquake lights.

A: It turns out they’re all over the place. Lights have been reported in Wilmington and elsewhere in the Carolinas. Maybe those “ghosts” are illuminating shallow active faults. They’re impossible to study, because you can’t catch them in the act. But there are plausible theories that might explain them.

A: There’s a nice review paper by a Japanese scientist, Yuji Enomoto, connecting earthquake lights in some cases to the release of gases like radon or methane. Gases can ignite when they’re exposed to oxygen.

In Summerville, I think it’s the railroad tracks that matter. I’ve crawled around tracks during my fieldwork in South Carolina. Historically, when [rail companies] replaced tracks, they didn’t always haul the old track away. So, you’ve got heaps of steel out there. Sparks might be part of the story. And maybe the railroads are important for another reason. They may naturally follow fault lines that have carved corridors through the landscape. I don’t claim to have a fully mature theory to explain the lights.

A: Some of the younger ones think it’s cool. It’s making science fun.

A: I would love to do some field measurements. I’ve reached out to Steve Jaume, an excellent seismologist at the College of Charleston. I said, “Hey, do you have any students who want to go out ghostbusting?” We’ll see where it goes.


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